The One I Wrote In Two Minutes

Does a deploying daddy or a moving mommy have spare time to do fun things like blog, relax, or... blog?

Yeah right.

Especially when said mommy (the queen of procrastination) waited until she only had several days to pack up her whole house?


Maybe in a week I'll find time to do fun stuff. But right now? I'm too busy scrambling. And when I'm not scrambling, I'm squeezing in kisses or cuddles with Michael. (Who may guest post before he leaves. If he finds the time, that is.)

Back to stuffing boxes. If you talk to God this weekend, we'd really appreciate your prayers. It's gonna be a tough one all around.


Nikolai Family said...

Praying for you guys! I know this transition will be tough on everyone, but you have a LOT of people rooting for you. Love you!

Jen said...

Praying for you too honey :-( This will be a rough one, but hopefully you can turn to your blog again to help the time pass quickly while he is gone. We are all here for ya girl!!

Kristin said...

From one queen of procrastination to another, praying for you during this time of transition and hope everything goes okay!

Debbie Steele said...

praying for you! May God bless each and every precious moment you have with Micheal!

Steph said...

Keep your chin up my dear. I'll be thinking of you.