We've had to be a bit more firm with him than usual since our return from Wisconsin. I'm not sure he had any discipline during our visit! Now (for the most part) he listens very well when we say no. But in return, he head butts the nearest wall, window, floor, or piece of furniture. It's kind of disturbing, but upon further investigation I'm finding this to be fairly normal behavior for kids his age. At least he's not biting himself! When we walk in on him doing something he knows he shouldn't be, he jumps about a foot and his eyes get as big as saucers. It's so funny we usually forget to be upset. :)
He's very dependent on our reactions. If we laugh at him, he'll do whatever it was again and again, making us laugh even more. Several months ago, my mother-in-law was visiting and she pretended to cry. We'd never done this, and it must have freaked him out because he started crying big crocodile tears! It's scary how much he watches the way we interact, truthfully!
It's been awesome to see his personality emerge. He's laid back like his daddy with a bit of Mama's sass. He's a busy boy and a drama king. Overall he's a very happy camper and smiles ALL THE TIME.
But then there is his naughty face. He looks me straight in the eye and flashes the tiniest smirk before misbehaving, almost as if to say, "Oh, you think you're in charge lady? Let me show you whose boss!"
He loves to play with other kids, so we've never had a problem leaving him in nursery or day care. (He doesn't understand the concept of sharing, though.) We just hired our first real babysitter to watch him for a few hours on my birthday. I'm not too nervous, but it feels like quite the milestone!
Bananas and mandarin oranges are his favorite. He recently decided he's not interested in peanut butter and jelly anymore. We've had to call Poison Control twice, once after he ate dog poop and the second after we found him covered in Triple Paste, licking his fingers. (Fantastic.)
He'd rather play with a cell phone or the remote than a toy, and he's taken a liking to splashing in the toilet and wearing underwear on his head.
When he wants attention he fake coughs, or he'll pretend to put something in his mouth so he can laugh at me when I find nothing in it. (Really, he thinks it's hilarious.) If one of us is laying on the floor it's pretty much an invitation to have our hair pulled, be climbed on, or hit in the face. We're still working on "gentle". (The joys of having a boy.) Oh, and he really likes wearing my headbands.
I've especially loved watching his relationship with Michael bloom. He sure loves his daddy! Michael missed the first 6 months of Levi's life while he was in Iraq, but they've come leaps and bounds and that makes me smile.
Levi has been nothing but a joy and fills our lives with the good stuff - laughter, smiles, love. We are so deeply blessed with this child and delight in watching him grow.
I loved this post, and find myself relating to you... since both boys are in the same phase. It's a wonderful age, I agree! Jonathan lives to test his boundaries as well! He is so cute in these pictures!
Little Levi is growing up!!! I can't believe how curly his hair is. It's so funny how our kids are reaching the same milestones, but have their own little personalities.
hahahahahaha :D I just spent the last five minutes laughing as I read this post--and then read it out loud to Joshua because it was just so funny. He ate dog poop? Really? And my little sister, as a toddler, used to wear my brother's underwear on her head...yeah, she thought it was hilarious. :D
What a riot your little boy is! Thanks for sharing him with us! :)
There's nothing like having a boy. Each stage seems to get better too. (although there are usually a few heart attacks for mama!) Enjoy!!
I L O V E this entry. I L<3VE this child! Thank you!
He's such a sweetie! I can barely remember when my boys were that little. I'll have to break out a scrapbook and reminisce. :)
Beautiful update. :) In some ways, he sounds so much like our nephew. I guess there are just some things young boys go through (the whole "gentle" thing - yep. We get hit in the face a lot.) :)
beautiful pictures! He looks very grown up in the first one, too!! That is grossssss that he ate dog poop, but glad he's doing OK from it!!
Both my boys are head-butters, too. They haven't eaten poop though ... yet! And how sweet is that last photo??
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