You Capture | Busy

It's been a long time since I've participated in You Capture. I'm running low on creative juice.

This is my busy. I have an endless supply of dirty dishes. If you know anyone who would like some, send them my way! (We have laundry, too!)

Notice there is an entire clean load in that dishwasher and a mountain of dirty dishes still in the sink! That's the mess I woke up to this morning. We're pigs.

Is your house clean? (I don't believe you.) 


Isabella Kiss said...

that last line made me laugh. so true!

Alicia said...

lol your funny! I haven't participated in You Capture in far to long as well....but I love blog hopping and seeing everyone's pictures. :) Love this photo...your not pigs just a busy mom who takes good care of her kids...even if it means leaving dishes to pile up for a while.

Samantha said...

No, no it is not! I was just walking through before I sat down to the computer, thinking I wish someone would come clean up this mess! I am too tired today. :P

deb duty said...

In fact I just started up my dishwasher. Thank goodness I don't have to wash everything by hand! I'm never caught up!

Stacia said...

Love the colors in your dishwasher, And my house? Is always clean. (Snort.)

This American Wife said...

The dishwasher is my BFF and arch-nemesis all at the same time. Its always full needing to be emptied. WHY?

My house is always spotless.

Nicole said...

I feel like my house is never clean. I felt like I could stay on top of the laundry with one or two kids but now with a family of 6 there is a full load to be done each day and the dishes are endless. A few times a week I try to straighten up my house but the last time I actually "cleaned" it with cleaners and that I have no idea!

krista.nicole said...

Oh man. My room is an absolute disaster, all the time. And I can't blame it on that I have kids or anything. It's all me. Whoops:)

Meagan said...

I read somewhere that a dishwasher's best use is holding all your dirty dishes for you. But then you have the empty it and reload it, right? :)

I will admit though that emptying and refilling my dishwasher is maybe my favorite household task. Granted, it's a short list...but still. It makes me feel very accomplished. I have simple needs. :)

Nikki said...

I can totally relate! And I hate doing dishes... But it's better than doing laundry! And the house is always clean!!! Yea...I don't believe me either.

Jaimie said...

My room is currently a mess. I think Joshua's keeping the house in pretty good order. :) We don't have a dishwasher, or a laundry room of our own, so dishes will be by hand and laundry will be a laundromat or (cheaper) my grandparents'.

What's more important: a clean house, or a happy baby and a happy husband? Yeah. Easy answer. :)

JDaniel4's Mom said...

The pediatrician thought JDaniel's allergies were eczema at the beginning. My counters look like this too. I need to remember to run and empty it early in the day.

Jen said...

Lol! My house is mostly clean...

Danelle said...

That's what my kitchen counter looked like this morning too!

Melissa said...

Laundry and dishes are revolving doors of mess. It's inevitable. :) It's life. No judgment here.

Chic Homeschool Mama said...

Oh boy- I remember those days well. Yes- the laundry, the dishes, the dusting- it NEVER ENDS. Fortunately my kids are old enough now to help out a little & I get to keep my sanity for the time being.

Jane said...

I try to imagine life as it was for my mother with no dishwasher, an old fashioned twin tub you had to haul the wet clothes out of one side and into the other of and no dryer, just lots of wet clothes to hang on the clothes line. Good job there were no computers back then as there would have been no time for photography and blogging :-)

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comments.

Tara said...

What a cool angle, the dirty dishes never end here either, but the growing family is worth it :)

Caseybumpinalong said...

Nope, no clean house here. Our dishwasher and sink are just as full as yours. :) Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today!

Carrie Saindon said...

Ha! I love this!! (I am sitting here typing as my dishwasher AND sink look the exact same way...shouldn't I be doing the dishes instead of typing?? Naw, it can wait!) :-)

Michele said...

Looks exactly like my house. I feel ya!

Adventures as a Small Town Mom said...

lol! I have dirty dishes too on top of laundry. Fun times :)

Sarah said...

No my house is a mess!

Kristin said...

Love it! That's what my dishwasher/sink looks like! Love it that you shared it :)

Charlotte | Life's a Charm! said...

LOL! my house is never clean! When I clean the house, I always feel defeated because it never stay clean.