On our way home from dinner last night, we hit a pheasant.
I was glued to my iPhone when DH blasted the horn and slammed on the brakes. I saw a burst of feathers and then we were pulling over.
DH surveyed the damage, and after declaring two broken legs and a broken wing decided to take it upon himself to break its neck, too. (He was being nice, you know. Didn't want the coyotes to eat it alive. Are there coyotes in Kansas?)
He thoughtfully dumped it into a BACK PACK and set it on the seat beside our son.
I have a dead bird in the fridge. A DEAD BIRD. (Right next to the diet coke and shredded cheese.) I mean really, who in their right mind would eat an animal? I much prefer hamburgers or chicken tenders.
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Good for him!
I grew up so far removed from where I food comes from that it has been a real learning experience for me. I hope we are raising and butchering our own animals soon. :) These are important skills in my opinion.
in the backpack? too funny.
I couldn't help but laugh when I read your post. There's no way I'd let Tim put a dead bird or any other animal in a back pack, let alone anywhere in our car besides the trunk. lol.. Hope it tastes good! :)
Double gross! I guess it's good he's not being wasteful...?
Hahah omg. Sounds like something my love would do :)
I would not even have thought to bring it home (but I bet the hubs would have)! I liked the ending of your post... ;)
I can't help but laugh. I've been in the car when the driver couldnt avoid hitting a bird. It actually wasnt that long ago. Mind you we didnt stop to check on the bird or the car, we were on the highway in upstate NY, near the scout camp we were on our way home from.
However I applaud your husband for putting the poor thing out of its misery and taking it home to supposedly eat at some point in time, Im guessing on the second part.
I truly applaud you for not leaving him on the side of the road when he put the bird in a backpack, and next to your son in the back seat. Can't say that that particular thought wouldnt cross my mind if my significant other had done the same thing. LOL
Nathan might have done the same thing! we have 2 squirrels in our freezer, they gross me out every time I see them!
{shiver} this would not go over well in my house.
debbie (commenter before me) has two squirrels in her freezer! ick.
Aw, that was awfully thoughtful of your DH. But, that poor bird! I've done that before and felt so bad. What do you do, ya know?
UGH!!! I would NOT have let him put it in the fridge...seriously?!? Let the coyotes have it! They have to eat too...and they don't mind car-squashed meals. Kudos to you, girl. I don't think I'd be that tolerant!
Hahaha! This made me laugh. We're like 2 peas in a pod! My husband and his best friend went out squirrel hunting years ago. Didn't catch anything, but on the way home, RAN ONE OVER! Actually ran over the head, but the rest was fine. Went home and cooked it up for both families for dinner. This was WAY before I knew him, thankfully. I don't know how I'd handle eating a rat.
thats one way to keep to a diet if that was your goal... lol
i cant believe u sat it next to your son!? i would be washing out my car but that it just the ocd/germaphob in me kicking in!!
A wouldn't mind a dead bird in my fridge.
As a child, I grew up in a household where my parents takes care of chickens and pigs until they are in good size, then slaughter these creatures for a feast.
I think, it's good that your hubby 'killed' the bird but did not 'chicken out' to eat it too.
W had a suicide bomber pheasant fly into our window once when I was growing up, and my dad ate it. Ick!
This is Hilarious! Seriously. You're a beautiful wife to have let that happen. ;)
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